Saturday, February 9, 2013

Captain's Log: Stardate 020913

* Here's a full rundown of the contents of the Blu-ray releases of Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3 and The Best of Both Worlds, coming in April. The Best of Both Worlds was originally a two-parter that bridged seasons 3 and 4, ending with the unforgettable cliffhanger in which Picard had been transformed into Locutus, spokesman for the Borg as they attempted to assimilate humankind.

* I think it's smart that they're releasing BOBW as a standalone release, as the quality of the episodes merits such treatment, and it'll also likely convince some skeptics that TNG is worth picking up in Blu-ray. I bought the initial TNG Blu-ray sampler, and will certainly buy BOBW when it comes out, but I don't know if I have the money or the interest necessary to invest in the entire series in Blu-ray (or any other) format. There are episodes of TNG that I love dearly, but there are many more that I don't much care for. Perhaps it's a result of having seven seasons instead of three, but I could watch almost any episode of the original series and enjoy the time as well spent. I've bought the entire series on DVD, then again on Blu-Ray, and had probably a third of the episodes on VHS back before DVD became the thing. But I just don't have that same passion for the entirety of The Next Generation.

* I don't mean this as a condemnation of TNG; I watched the entire series in its original broadcasts, and love the characters and the actors who brought them to life. I would love to have an animated version of Star Trek: Countdown so that those actors could voice the great prequel to the 2009 movie that IDW published in comics form, a story that featured Picard, Data and other TNG characters to great effect, effectively a farewell to the TNG era, certainly a far better one than the last TNG movie, Star Trek Nemesis.

* So, yeah, Best of Both Worlds on Blu-ray? After the May release of Star Trek Into Darkness, that right there is the Star Trek Thing I Am Most Excited About in 2013.

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