Friday, February 15, 2013

Captain's Log: Stardate 021613

* William Shatner talks about Star Trek, his new animated film Escape from Planet Earth, possibly appearing on The Big Bang Theory and more in a new interview with Collider.

* There's some impressive footage in this making-of video about the forthcoming Star Trek video game.

* Here's a preview of the upcoming Star Trek Visual Dictionary. Speaking of previews, here's a rundown of IDW's May Star Trek comics, which includes the first post-Into Darkness issue of the ongoing new-timeline series.

* The remastered version of Star Trek: The Next Generation's classic two-parter The Best of Both Worlds is coming to theaters ahead of its Blu-ray release. Why do they always do these things on a weeknight?

* Hi-res versions of some recent images from Star Trek Into Darkness.

* 38 things you can learn from the commentary track to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

* 41 minutes of all-era Star Trek bloopers. Glorious.

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