Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Captain's Log: Stardate 021313

* Los Angeles is the site of a full cast reunion of Star Trek: The Next Generation this weekend. It seems like TNG's cast, of all the Star Trek series, have the most respect and affection for each other. Look at the joy and love on the faces of Sir Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes in the photo accompanying the story linked above. I think that's pretty rare in as competitive a place as Hollywood, and it's heartening to see.

* At i09, a scientist inspired by Star Trek discusses how futurists can affect the future.

* The new Star Trek video game coming out in April promises an unprecedented chance to explore the Enterprise. That sounds pretty amazing. Wish I liked video games or had the patience to learn.

* One of the cornerstones of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's reputation as a quality series is the brilliantly-realized episode "Far Beyond The Stars." Here's a look back, celebrating the challenging and affecting episode's 15th anniversary.

* Speaking of DS9, here's a rundown of what's on the newly-released four-disc soundtrack to the series.

* Writer Peter David, who has a slew of quality Star Trek novels on his considerable resume, has returned home after suffering a stroke recently; here's an update on how he's doing.

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